Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Burned Out

Inspiration eludes me,
burned out, I do not feel free;
too irritable, frowning,
caught in a whirlpool, drowning.

Life is nothing but demands,
I don’t want to hear commands;
caught on a high speed treadmill,
life’s a blur, nothing is real.

Desperation overcomes,
overwhelmed, all limbs are numb;
exhausted, routine controls,
like a ball, if pushed, it rolls.

My mind screams, my body moans,
I work to pay off the loans;
is this all there is to life –
pain, suffering, and more strife?

1 comment:

on the edge said...

How did that old song go ??? Is this all there is my friend ? Is this all there is ? Then let's keep dancing .Break out the booze and let's have a ball my friend .