Sunday, June 29, 2008

Diamond Trees

On an ordinary day,
friends and I were on our way,
to a holiday resort,
to escape our daily forts.

The terrain was bare and dry,
nothing attracted my eye.
Then quite dubious to me,
diamonds sparkled on the trees.

Mesmerized by their beauty,
to share them was my duty.
Each tree shimmered in the light,
an extraordinary sight!

To my total amazement,
vexed looks showed disappointment.
My friends weren’t able to see,
diamonds visible to me.

Saturday, June 28, 2008


During the peaceful hours of the night,
I hear The Mediterranean Sea calling me.
As I awake to the early morning light,
The Mediterranean Sea is calling me.

I am far away from this glorious sea,
while visiting my friends and family.
Yet my heart skips a beat, and I jump to my feet,
turning to meet the whispering of this sea.

For it’s not a call that I can ignore,
or a sound that can be stifled by closing the door.
It’s like a magnetic pull drawing me.
to this majestically crystal blue sea.

Willingly, I acquiesce with a smile,
to travel the thousands of miles.
The Mediterranean Sea
is calling Me.