Saturday, October 25, 2008

Senior Moments

Why do wrong words pop out of my mouth?
It tends to send my self esteem south.
The brain is aging, becoming weak.
Dementia… what lies ahead looks bleak.

I pause to think why I'm in this place,
losing my thoughts is what I must face.
The answer's at the tip of my tongue,
I stop, concentrate, but for how long?

There is relief when I remember,
senior moments have lots of members.
What can I do to strengthen my mind?
There must be a way out of this bind.

Do something different every week,
is the medical advice I seek,
and eat healthy foods, get enough sleep,
add brain food to the top of the heap.

If I can recall what I should do,
I'll be so healthy, as good as new.
What am I supposed to do each day?
Where am I going, is this the way?


on the edge said...

LOL !!! So funny !!! And sad to say we should form a club, charge membership fees . We would be rich !

J.H said...

interesting poem! And I like the title :-)