Thursday, November 20, 2008


I met the devil in the parking lot,
he lurks in the most common spots.
Shaped like a man, possessing a black heart,
sneering, grabbing evil from carts.

Smiling, approaching, extending his hand,
he lured me into the quicksand.
Trapped, and realizing that I had been tricked,
panicking because I had been picked.

I did not succumb to his desires,
his eyes turned red like huge fires.
Sinking, sinking, I recited some prayers,
sand crept up layer by layer.

Dancing in delight, spreading wickedness,
sure I’d follow his waywardness.
Suddenly a white cloud wrapped around me,
a bright light flashed and I was free.

The devil vanished in black puffs of smoke…
heart racing, sweating, I awoke.
It took awhile to shake the bad feeling,
still praying, my head was reeling.

1 comment:

on the edge said...

EEEEWWWWW ! That one scared me too !